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I will be adding an awesome, amazing description about this project soon. However, in the meantime, I hope the work speaks for itself. Enjoy! I will be adding an awesome, amazing description about this project soon. In the meantime, I hope the work speaks for itself. Enjoy! I will be adding an awesome, amazing description about this project soon. In the meantime, I hope the work speaks for itself. Enjoy! I will be adding an awesome, amazing description about this project soon. In the meantime, I hope the work speaks for itself.


assoc creative director

art director


front of folded piece with penalty flag & card inserted into die-cut pocket

unfolded with assembled penalty flag & backside of card insert

sidebar graphic 1: sassy ref

appeared on company website to promote corresponding bobblehead giveaway contest

sidebar graphic 2: throw the flag

appeared on company website to promote corresponding bobblehead giveaway contest

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